Saturday, April 10, 2010

Upon revising...

This blog won't be used for design ideas. That'll be over at InfoxicatingDesigns, which will also be my springboard for when I finally get my design and fashion business started.
I think this may just turn into my ranting blog.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wow. It's been a while.
The good news is, all of the kids are thriving.
The not-so-good-news is, we live with Ian's mother, who is a P.I.T.A.
No joke. She prefers for me to take time off work (for which I don't get paid) than for her to look after the kids. It's winter. They always have lurgies atm...

Anyways, I've signed in to here to let everyone know I'll be changing this blog slightly.
Inspired by my friend, Vivian of Ish and Chi fame, I'll be using this blog to post Ideas.
Ideas about decorating, and things I've made.
My cooking blog will still be The Balloon Whisk And The Pyrex Dish, so that will remain separate.
Sometimes, I will cross post to both. That will mostly be stuff like birthdays, Christmas, etc
Anyways, that is all for now.
Stay tuned peoples, 'mkay?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Poor weight gains.... again

This weeks weight gain was very poor. It was only 80g. Last weeks was much better, at 210g. So, we're now at 6.88kg. That's still in the bottom 3 percent for babies. *sigh*
It could be worse. It could easily have been a negative gain (that is, a loss).

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Isabella has decided that she doesn't sleep

Isabella is... unsettled... for want of a better word.
It's been a year now since Ian was arrested for what the local constabulary allege was signs of physical abuse on Bella.
It's also (approximately) 6 months since Ian has been allowed to move back in, and still, Bella is unsettled.
2230 tonight, I finally convinced her to sleep. Rather, I convinced her to stay on her bed, no playing, and be quiet.
And this has been happening for 12 months now.
I'm at the end of my rope, and I don't know what to do... I can't keep doing this, and the counsellor was as useful as a bull with tits (or a cow without...)

Friday, November 28, 2008

A further update on the elimination diet

So, I got rid of it.
Effectively, there was a while there where Margaret was loosing weight, which kind of defeated the purpose of said diet. After all, we were looking for reasons for why she wasn't gaining appropriate weight. (At some point, I'm going to get a copy of her growth chart, and scan it in, and post it on here)
I have the doctors and paediatricians okay on this one, so it means full diet is back.
So, daily food intake is 25omL bottles (four of), 1 to 2 weet bix each breakfast, morning tea is either avocado or yoghurt, lunch is left overs from last night (today, it was ham steaks, peas, and potatoes. Peas are a favourite, for some reason), afternoon tea is either avo or yoghurt (which ever she didn't have for MT), and dinner is what we have (tonight, its grilled chicken breast, with colcannon and peas).
Back to weekly weigh ins, too.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Katharine's 6th birthday party, and gift cake

Well, it was a huge success, even if it wasn't at a park, as originally intended.
The kids loved it, I heard a rumour of a sleep over between Katharine and Akasha, and the cake was everyone's new favourite design.
See pics for more details :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Update on the elimination diet...

We've almost finished week 3.
Margaret has finally started liking rice, potatoes, and pears.
Next week, we introduce sweet potato, and go back to the dietitian.
Here's the problem, though.
She's now losing weight. 40g in a week, to be precise.
I think I need to push the paeditrician to sort something out. More tests or something.
Oh. And vomiting weekly, and fevers with it.
I'll try and touch base again on Friday.